The most important action is to protect existing healthy soils from damage, the scientists said, while degraded soils can be restored by growing a perse range of plants. Inoculating barren soil with healthy earth may also help it recover.
"Certainly there's hope that we can make soils healthy again," said Eisenhauer. "I think a lot depends on what we eat. Do we need to eat these massive amounts of cheap meat, for example? Can we rely more on plant-derived calories? I think this is a massive factor." More than 80% of the world's farmland is used to raise and feed cattle and other livestock, but these provide only 18% of all calories consumed.
In 2014 the FAO's Maria-Helena Semdo said that if the rate of degradation continued then all of the world's topsoil could be gone within 60 years.
While much remains to be discovered about soil biopersity and how to help it thrive, Eisenhauer said the new report collating for the first time what is known was important. "Raising awareness is a first critical step, bringing soil more into the public and political discussions. Most of the decisions about, for example, protected areas are not based on soils."