翻译实习:Covid-19:The Right Medicine For The World Economy(2)

2022-11-16 14:55:10 作者:细腰丰臀摇摆我的欲望ゐ
导读:翻译练习:Covid-19:The Right Medicine For The World Economy(2),中国的经验:统一思想,统一行动(3)Wherever the virus takes hold, containing it and mitigating its effects will involve more tha...


(3)Wherever the virus takes hold, containing it and mitigating its effects will involve more than doctors and paramedics. The world health Organisation has distilled lessons from China for how health-care systems should cope. The same thinking is needed across the government, especially over how to protect people and companies as supply chains fracture and the worried and the ill shut themselves away.



(4) The first task is to get manpower and money to hospitals. China drafted in 40,000health workers to Hubei province. Britain may bring medics out of retirement. This week the World Bank made 50bn (缄默语言:天杀的头条号编辑器,竟然把两个$之间的笔墨酿成了一个数学公式!我已经晕了)available for covid-19. The Global Fund, which fights diseases like malaria and TB, said countries can switch grants. In America Congress is allocating $8.3bn of funding. The country has some of the world's most advanced hospitals, but its fragmented health system has little spare capacity. Much more money will be needed.

