翻译实习:NASA Rover Lands On Mars To Look For Signs Of Ancient Life(3)

2022-11-16 14:55:35 作者:文艺男青年
导读:翻译练习:NASA Rover Lands On Mars To Look For Signs Of Ancient Life(3),NASA Rover Lands On Mars To Look For Signs Of Ancient Life(3)NASA登陆车在火星降落,寻找远古生命迹象(3)火星降落很容易失败Pers...

NASA Rover Lands On Mars To Look For Signs Of Ancient Life(3)



Perseverance was on its own during its descent, a maneuver often described by NASA as "seven minutes of terror."


Flight controllers waited helplessly as the preprogrammed spacecraft hit the thin martian atmosphere at 12,100 mph(19,500kph), or 16 times the speed of sound, slowing as it plummeted. It released its 70-foot(21-meter)parachute and then used a rocket-steered platform known as a sky crane to lower the rover the final 60 or so feet(18 meters) to the surface.


It took a nail-biting 11minutes for the signal confirming the landing to reach Earth, setting off back-slapping and fist-bumping among flight controllers wearing masks against the coronavirus.


Perseverance promptly sent back two grainy, black-and-white photos of Mars' pockmarked, pimply-looking surface, the rover's shadow visible in the frame of one picture.


"Take that, Jezero!" a controller called out.


NASA said that the descent was flawless and that the rover came down in a "parking lot" - a relatively flat spot amid hazardous rocks. Hours after the landing, Matt Wallace, NASA deputy project manager, reported that the spacecraft was in great shape.


Mars has proved a treacherous place for the world's spacefaring nations, the U.S. included. In the span of less than three months in 1999, a U.S. spacecraft was destroyed upon entering orbit because engineers had mixed up metric and English units, and an American lander crashed on the surface after its engines cut out prematurely.

