翻译实习:How Smart City Planning Could Slow Future Pandemics(4)

2022-11-16 14:55:34 作者:男人也需要疼
导读:翻译练习:How Smart City Planning Could Slow Future Pandemics(4),How Smart City Planning Could Slow Future Pandemics(4)智慧城市规划如何遏制未来流行病的传播(4)城市更健康,远离慢性病和污染The...

How Smart City Planning Could Slow Future Pandemics(4)



The inequality - and resulting unhealthiness - of cities is a nuanced, layered, snarl of a problem thought by many to be intractable. "We can't have one-size-fits-all. We can't have a smart-city revolution that will lead to health," says Corburn. "We don't need a solution; we need to have a process that's much more open and inclusive and will center the people who have been marginalized."


In other words: Ask the communities what they actually want and need. Corburn recommends placing cities' highest budget, best designed, most beautiful new projects in the poorest, most neglected areas. Matthew thinks reducing manufactured density, including the number of people incarcerated, is key. Spencer wants cheap telemedicine stations throughout developing cities, available to anyone at low prices. "What's been alarming is watching homeless people being put up in hotels," says Billie Giles-Corti, who studies city planning and health at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. "What's going to happen at the end of the pandemic? There's going to be a real need for stimulus packages to include an investment in social housing." Giles-Corti also sees the Covid-19 pandemic as a chance to reshape cities to suit a healthier, walking-and-cycling lifestyle and sustainable energy to stave off chronic illness and pollution.

