
2022-11-16 15:41:04 作者:`薄情少年/cc
导读:读麦·讲演·在光速下生活(1974)·019,The new politics is in the same position. The old politics had parties, polities, planks, opposition. The new politics i...

The new politics is in the same position. The old politics had parties, polities, planks, opposition. The new politics is concerned only with images. The problem in the new politics is to find the right image. So search committees are formed to find the candidates who have the right image. Man-hunting has become a great big business in the military world and the commercial world and the political world. Image-hunting is the new thing. Polities no longer matter because whether your electric light is provided by Republicans or Democrats is rather unimportant compared to the service of light and power and all the other kinds of services that go with our cities. Service environments have taken the place of political policies, or so it seems.



