Why did the Americans ever hit upon this weird reversed pattern? The answer is available. Americans came to this continent to subdue nature fast and furious. They tamed it. They subdued it. They crushed it. They turned it into the enemy. You can read about it in Moby Dick or in Hawthorne or in any of our literature. So naturally Americans regard the outside as the enemy, and the inside as the friend, whereas all the other continents in the world regard the outside as the friend and the inside as a place for defence only. All doors are closed in the European house. The European family lives in seclusion and privacy inside. There is no privacy in the American home. That is why you have to get a grant if you want to study so you can leave home. This is a weird pattern, and it’s very important to understand it because it isn’t over. The motor car provided this superior means of going outside to be alone and, incidentally, going along with it, the great dislike of public transit in America because public transit is where you go outside to be with people, which is very distasteful.