
2022-11-16 15:41:13 作者:逃避
导读:读麦·讲演·在光速下生活(1974)·042,The motor car as the supreme form of privacy has been threatened, in fact superseded by television. Television brings th...

The motor car as the supreme form of privacy has been threatened, in fact superseded by television. Television brings the outside inside, and it takes the inside outside. It pulls the rug out or the highway out from under the car. It deprives the car of its rationale and its meaning. If the car had not lost its real meaning in our lives, there would be no oil price hikes. That is, nobody would even dream of allowing the oil price hikes to occur. The rise in oil prices, of course, is a promotional deal. There’s no question. I mean, that’s well-known. But it is something that could not have happened if the car had not already been obsolesced.




