英语科技类阅读系列第4篇 奇怪的宇宙(下)
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Category: Cosmology 宇宙学
Text: 2579 words (正文英语单词为2579个,分上下篇颁发)
Title: Einstein’s theory of general relativity unveiled a dynamic
and bizarre cosmos
The predictions were right about black holes, gravitational waves and universe expansion
Black holes stand out among other cosmic beasts for how extreme they are. The largest are many billion times the mass of the sun, and when they rip a star apart, they can spit out particles with 200 trillion electron volts of energy. That’s some 30 times the energy of the protons that race around the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider.
黑洞因其极度水平而在其他宇宙野兽中脱颖而出。最大的质量是太阳的数十亿倍,当它们扯破一颗恒星时,它们可以喷出具有 200 万亿电子伏特能量的粒子。这约莫是围绕天下上最大、最壮大的粒子加快器大型强子对撞机的质子能量的30倍。
As evidence built into the 1990s and up to today, scientists realized these great beasts not only exist, but also help shape the cosmos. “These objects that general relativity predicted, that were mathematical curiosities, became real, then they were marginal. Now they’ve become central,” says Natarajan.
We now know supermassive black holes reside at the centers of most if not all galaxies, where they generate outflows of energy that affect how and where stars form. “At the center of the galaxy, they define everything,” she says.
Though visual confirmation is recent, it feels as though black holes have long been familiar. They are a go-to metaphor for any unknowable space, any deep abyss, any endeavor that consumes all our efforts while giving little in return.
Real black holes, of course, have given plenty back: answers about our cosmos plus new questions to ponder, wonder and entertainment for space fanatics, a lost album from Weezer, numerous episodes of Doctor Who, the Hollywood blockbuster Interstellar.
For physicist Nicolas Yunes of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, black holes and other cosmic behemoths continue to amaze. “Just thinking about the dimensions of these objects, how large they are, how heavy they are, how dense they are,” he says, “it’s really breathtaking.”
对付伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校的物理学家Nicolas Yunes来说,黑洞和其他宇宙庞然大物会陆续令人惊讶。“只要想想这些物体的尺寸,它们有多大,它们有多重,它们的密度有多大,”他说,“这真的令人叹为观止。”
When general relativity’s behemoths collide, they disrupt the cosmic fabric. Ripples in spacetime called gravitational waves emanate outward, a calling card of a tumultuous and most energetic tango.
当广义相对论的庞然大物产生碰撞时,它们会粉碎宇宙布局。 称为引力波的时空荡漾向外散发,这是动荡和最有活力的探戈的手刺。
Einstein’s math predicted such waves could be created, not only by gigantic collisions but also by explosions and other accelerating bodies. But for a long time, spotting any kind of spacetime ripple was a dream beyond measure. Only the most dramatic cosmic doings would create signals that were large enough for direct detection. Einstein, who called the waves gravitationswellen, was unaware that any such big events existed in the cosmos.
Beginning in the 1950s, when others were still arguing whether gravitational waves existed in reality, physicist Joseph Weber sunk his career into trying to detect them. After a decade-plus effort, he claimed detection in 1969, identifying an apparent signal perhaps from a supernova or from a newly discovered type of rapidly spinning star called a pulsar. In the few years after reporting the initial find, Science News published more than a dozen stories on what it began calling the “Weber problem”. Study after study could not confirm the results. What’s more, no sources of the waves could be found. A 1973 headline read, “The deepening doubt about Weber’s waves”.
从1950年月开始,当其他人仍在争辩引力波是否存在于实际中时,物理学家约瑟夫·韦伯(Joseph Weber)将本身的职业生活投入到探测引力波中。颠末十多年的高兴,他于 1969 年公布探测到,辨认出大概来自超新星或新发觉的一种称为脉冲星的快速扭转恒星的显着信号。在报道了最初的发觉后的几年里,《科学消息》颁发了十多篇关于它开始称之为“韦伯题目”的故事。一项又一项的研究无法证明效果。更紧张的是,找不到波的泉源。 1973 年的标题是“对韦伯波的猜疑加深”。
Weber stuck by his claim until his death in 2000, but his waves were never verified. Nonetheless, scientists increasingly believed gravitational waves would be found. In 1974, radio astronomers Russell Hulse and Joseph Taylor spotted a neutron star orbiting a dense companion. Over the following years, the neutron star and its companion appeared to be getting closer together by the distance that would be expected if they were losing energy to gravitational waves. Scientists soon spoke not of the Weber problem, but of what equipment could possibly pick up the waves. “Now, although they have not yet seen, physicists believe,” Dietrick E. Thomsen wrote in Science News in 1984.
韦伯对峙本身的主见直到2000年去世,但他的波从未得到证明。只管云云,科学家们越来越信赖会发觉引力波。1974年,射电天文学家罗素·赫尔斯和约瑟夫·泰勒发觉了一颗围绕麋集伴星运行的中子星。在接下来的几年里,这颗中子星和它的伴星彷佛越来越靠近,假如它们因引力波失去能量,那么它们的间隔是可以预期的。很快,科学家们不再评论辩论韦伯题目,而是评论辩论哪些设置装备摆设大概会吸收到波。 “如今,固然他们还没有看到,但物理学家信赖,”Dietrick E.Thomsen在1984年的《科学消息》中写道。
It was a different detection strategy, decades in the making, that would provide the needed sensitivity. The Advanced Laser Interferometry Gravitational-wave Observatory, or LIGO, which reported the first confirmed gravitational waves in 2016, relies on two detectors, one in Hanford, Wash., and one in Livingston, La. Each detector splits the beam of a powerful laser in two, with each beam traveling down one of the detector’s two arms. In the absence of gravitational waves, the two beams recombine and cancel each other out. But if gravitational waves stretch one arm of the detector while squeezing the other, the laser light no longer matches up.
The machines are an incredible feat of engineering. Even spacetime ripples detected from colliding black holes might stretch an arm of the LIGO detector by as little as one ten-thousandth of the width of a proton.
这些呆板是一项令人难以置信的工程壮举。纵然是从碰撞黑洞检测到的时空荡漾,也大概会将 LIGO 探测器的臂拉伸至质子宽度的万分之一。
When the first detection, from two colliding black holes, was announced, the discovery was heralded as the beginning of a new era in astronomy. It was Science News’ story of the year in 2016, and such a big hit that the pioneers of the LIGO detector won the Nobel Prize in physics the following year.
Scientists with LIGO and another gravitational wave detector, Virgo, based in Italy, have by now logged dozens more detections. Most of the waves have emanated from mergers of black holes, though a few events have featured neutron stars. Smashups so far have revealed the previously unknown birthplaces of some heavy elements and pointed to a bright jet of charged subatomic particles that could offer clues to mysterious flashes of high-energy light known as gamma-ray bursts. The waves also have revealed that midsize black holes, between 100 and 100,000 times the sun’s mass, do in fact exist — along with reconfirming that Einstein was right, at least so far.
美国的LIGO和意大利的 Virgo这两个引力波的研究职员陈诉了已往五年中对黑洞破坏和中子星归并的数十次探测。
Just five years in, some scientists are already eager for something even more exotic. In a Science News article about detecting black holes orbiting wormholes via gravitational waves, physicist Vítor Cardoso of Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon, Portugal, suggested a coming shift to more unusual phenomena: “We need to look for strange but exciting signals,” he said.
仅仅过了五年,一些科学家就已经盼望得到更奇怪的工具。在一篇关于通过引力波探测围绕虫洞运行的黑洞的科学消息文章中,葡萄牙里斯本高级技能研究所的物理学家Vítor Cardoso发起接下来转向研究更不平常的征象:他说“我们必要查找惊奇但令人愉快的信号,”。
Gravitational wave astronomy is truly only at its beginnings. Improved sensitivity at existing Earth-based detectors will turn up the volume on gravitational waves, allowing detections from less energetic and more distant sources. Future detectors, including the space-based LISA, planned for launch in the 2030s, will get around the troublesome noise that interferes when Earth’s surface shakes.
“Perhaps the most exciting thing would be to observe a small black hole falling into a big black hole, an extreme mass ratio inspiraling,” Yunes says. In such an event, the small black hole would zoom back and forth, back and forth, swirling in different directions as it followed wildly eccentric orbits, perhaps for years. That could offer the ultimate test of Einstein’s equations, revealing whether we truly understand how spacetime is warped in the extreme.
Yunes 说,“或许最令人愉快的事变是观看一个小黑洞落入一个大黑洞,这种极度的质量比令人振作,”。在这种情形下,这个小黑洞会来回放大,来回放大,向差别的偏向扭转,由于它大概会沿着特别偏爱的轨道运行多年。这可以提供对爱因斯坦方程的终极查验,展现我们是否真正相识时空是怎样在极度情形下扭曲的。