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Title: Before his early death, Riemann freed geometry from Euclidean prejudices
The originator of the famous math hypothesis also established the basis for a modern view of spacetime
Bernhard Riemann 伯恩哈德 黎曼
Bernhard Riemann was a man with a hypothesis.
伯恩哈德 黎曼是一位以料想而有名的人。
He was confident that it was true, probably. But he didn’t prove it. And attempts over the last century and a half by others to prove it have failed.
他确信这(个料想)很大概是真的。 但他没有证明。在已往一个半世纪里,其他人试图证明它的实验都失败了。
A new claim by the esteemed mathematician Michael Atiyah that Riemann’s hypothesis has now been proved may also be exaggerated. But sadly Riemann’s early death was not. He died at age 39. In his short life, though, he left an intellectual legacy that touched many areas of math and science. He was “one of the most profound and imaginative mathematicians of all time,” as the mathematician Hans Freudenthal once wrote. Riemann recast the mathematical world’s view of algebra, geometry and various mathematical subfields — and set the stage for the 20th century’s understanding of space and time. Riemann’s math made Einstein’s general theory of relativity possible.
受人尊重的数学家迈克尔·阿蒂亚 (Michael Atiyah) 提出的黎曼料想现已得到证明的新主见也大概被夸大了。但遗憾的是黎曼的早逝并非云云。他在39岁时去世。不外在他短暂的平生中,他留下了涉及数学和科学很多范畴的知识遗产。正如数学家汉斯·弗洛伊登塔尔 (Hans Freudenthal) 曾经写道的那样,他是“有史以来最深刻、最具想象力的数学家之一”。 黎曼重塑了数学天下对代数、多少和种种数学子范畴的见解—并给20世纪对空间和时间的了解奠基了底子。黎曼的数学使爱因斯坦的广义相对论成为大概。
“It is quite possible,” wrote the mathematician-biographer E.T. Bell, “that had he been granted 20 or 30 more years of life, he would have become the Newton or Einstein of the nineteenth century.”
Riemann’s genius developed despite unpromising circumstances. Born in Bavaria in 1826 the son of a Protestant minister, he was poor and often sick as a child. Bernhard was homeschooled until his teenage years, when he moved to live with a grandmother where he could attend school. Later his mathematical aptitude caught the attention of a teacher who provided Riemann a nearly 900-page-long textbook by the legendary French mathematician Adrien-Marie Legendre to keep the precocious student occupied. Six days later, Riemann returned the book to the teacher, having mastered its contents.
黎曼的天赋是在倒霉的条件下进展起来的。他于1826年诞生于巴伐利亚,是一位新教牧师的儿子,他很穷,小时间每每抱病。伯恩哈德 (Bernhard) 一向在家自学,直到他十几岁才搬到与祖母住在一路,在那边他可以上学。厥后,他的数学天赋引起了一位老师的细致,他为黎曼提供了一本由法国传奇数学家阿德里安-玛丽·勒让德 (Adrien-Marie Legendre) 编写的近900页长的教科书,让这个早熟的门生有事可做。六天后,黎曼把握了书的内容,将书还给了老师。
When he entered the University of Göttingen, Riemann began (at his father’s urging) as a theology student. But Göttingen was the home of the greatest mathematician of the era, Carl Friedrich Gauss. Riemann attended lectures by Gauss and dropped theology for mathematics. More advanced math instruction was available at Berlin, where Riemann studied for two years before returning to Göttingen to finish his math Ph.D.
Nowadays a Ph.D. is generally considered impressive, but in Germany back then it was only step one toward qualifying for a job. Step two was conducting and reporting advanced work on a specialized topic, to be delivered as a lecture to a university committee. Gauss encouraged Riemann to report on a new approach to geometry. Riemann titled his lecture on the topic, presented in 1854, “On the Hypotheses which Lie at the Foundations of Geometry.”
In that lecture, Riemann cut to the core of Euclidean geometry, pointing out that its foundation consisted of presuppositions about points, lines and space that lacked any logical basis. As those presuppositions are based on experience, and “within the limits of observation,” the probability of their correctness seems high. But it is necessary, Riemann asserted, to “inquire about the justice of their extension beyond the limits of observation, on the side both of the infinitely great and of the infinitely small.” Investigating the nature of the world, he said, should not be “hindered by too narrow views,” and progress should not be obstructed by “traditional prejudices.”
Freed from Euclid’s preconditions, Riemann derived an entirely different (non-Euclidean) geometry. It was this geometry that provided the foundation for general relativity — Einstein’s theory of gravity — six decades later.
开脱了欧几里得的先决条件,黎曼推导出了一种完全差别的(非欧几里得)多少。正是这种多少学为广义相对论 - 爱因斯坦的引力理论——奠基了底子。
Riemann’s insights stemmed from his belief that in math, it was important to grasp the ideas behind the calculations, not merely accept the rules and follow standard procedures. Euclidean geometry seemed sensible at distance scales commonly experienced, but could differ under conditions not yet investigated (which is just what Einstein eventually showed).
Riemann’s geometrical conceptions extended to the possible existence of dimensions of space beyond the three commonly noticed. By developing the math describing such multidimensional spaces, Riemann provided an essential tool for physicists exploring the possibility of extra dimensions today.
He made many other contributions to a wide range of technical mathematical issues. And he took great interest in the philosophy of mathematics (as Freudenthal said, had he lived longer, Riemann might eventually have become known as a philosopher). Among his most famous technical ideas was a conjecture concerning the “zeta function,” a complicated mathematical expression with important implications related to the properties of prime numbers. Riemann’s hypothesis about the zeta function, if true, would validate vast numbers of additional mathematical propositions that have been derived from it.
Riemann performed many calculations leading him to believe in his hypothesis, but did not find a mathematical proof before his early death. In fact, he spent much of the last four years of his life under the duress of tuberculosis, seeking relief by long stays in the more comfortable climate of Italy. He died there on July 20, 1866, two months before he would have turned 40.
Had he lived as long as Michael Atiyah (age 89), maybe Riemann would have proved his hypothesis himself.
假如他活得和Michael Atiyah(89岁)一样长,或许黎曼会亲身证明他的料想。