
2022-11-17 09:45:38 作者:原来爱情会过期
导读:比尔·盖茨说与杰弗里·爱泼斯坦的会面是“巨大的错误”,Gates says he met with convicted sex offender hoping the financier could help raise money for global health issues盖茨说...

Gates says he met with convicted sex offender hoping the financier could help raise money for global health issues盖茨说他访问了被治罪的性犯法者,盼望这位金融家可以关心为环球康健题目筹集资金。

Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates said he made “a huge mistake” in meeting with the convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.微软亿万大亨比尔·盖茨表现,他在访问被治罪的性犯法者杰弗里·爱泼斯坦时犯了“一个庞大的错误”。

“It was a huge mistake to spend time with him, to give him the credibility of being there,” Gates told CNN on Wednesday.盖茨周三报告美国有线电视消息网:“花时间和他在一路,让他有可信度,这是一个庞大的错误。”

Gates said he met with Epstein hoping the financier could help raise money for global health issues.盖茨说,他访问了爱泼斯坦,盼望这位金融家可以关心为环球康健题目筹集资金。

“I had several dinners with him, you know, hoping that what he said about getting billions of philanthropy for global health through contacts that he had might emerge,” Gates said. “When it looked like that wasn’t a real thing, that relationship ended.”盖茨说:“我和他共进过频频晚餐,你知道,盼望他所说的通过他的人脉为环球康健筹集数十亿美元的慈善奇迹大概会显现。” “当看起来那不是真实的工具时,这种干系就完结了。”

Epstein killed himself in jail in 2019 while awaiting trial on federal charges of sex-trafficking girls as young as 14. In 2008, Epstein avoided federal prosecution on similar charges in a controversial plea deal.2019 年,爱泼斯坦在等候联邦对 14 岁少女性生意业务控告的审判时期在牢狱中自尽。2008 年,爱泼斯坦在一项有争议的认罪协议中幸免了雷同控告的联邦告状。

The Wall Street Journal reported in May that Melinda French Gates had concerns about her husband’s dealings with Epstein when she consulted lawyers to discuss a possible porce. The Journal said several of its sources said Melinda had concerns about Bill’s relationship with Epstein since at least 2013.《华尔街日报》5月报道称,梅琳达·弗兰奇·盖茨在咨询状师商议大概仳离的题目时,对丈夫与爱泼斯坦的生意业务感触担心。 《华尔街日报》称,几位消息人士称,梅琳达至少从 2013 年开始就比拟尔与爱泼斯坦的干系感触担心。

The couple filed for porce in May and the process was finalized on Monday.这对匹俦于 5 月提出仳离,该步伐于周一完成。

“It’s a time of reflection, and at this point, I need to go forward,” Gates told CNN. “Within the family, we’ll heal the best that we can.”“这是一个反思的时候,在这一点上,我必要向前迈进,”盖茨报告 CNN。 “在家庭中,我们会努力治愈。”
